Tuesday, September 9, 2008

All Things Must Come To An End

Ouch. The pain of seeing hot guys cry:

My heart! My heart - it's been torn to pieces by the penultimate episode of Maou. How can something so painful be so beautiful?

Honestly, I'm scared to watch the last episode. BUT I DON'T WANT THIS SHOW TO END!

Maybe I'll refrain now from watching ongoing series. The past 10 weeks Maou just consumed me! Next time if I want to be a masochist I'll do it by watching a series in one sitting. Or, I'll just stop watching heavy jdramas and just stick to the cracstastic ones. Maybe I'll just stop watching jdramas altogether.

B-b-but... the lineup of next season's jdramas looks awesome! Why did I ever get into this addiction in the first place?!

Anyways - Maou. I regret peeking at the previews for the finale! I can't stop thinking about that scene! If I cried buckets over episode 10, for sure I'd be crying rivers come episode 11. But no, I'm not peeking at Mawang to see how it ended, oh no.

But I just might watch the raws unsubbed the minute I got hold of it.

* * *

My blog just achieved a new milestone - this is my 400th post! Yay!

I know I've talked so much about Maou in this blog, in my other blog, in my plurk. I hope you'll forgive me for rambling about my latest addiction that none of you can relate to! Kilala niyo naman ako, when something strikes my fancy, talagang all-out flailing, all-out obsession. I won't promise that I would stop talking about Maou the minute I watch the very last episode because, you know - withdrawal syndrome!

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